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SoCal Treasurer's Report

nope. Members area are not for chapter discussions. Chapter issue so stays in the chapter and will always be in the chapter.

yep. that's the price of public office. however, it would be nice for this have been done with a little bit more tact.

we all get busy, life gets in the way, and as unfortunate as it sounds, an XJ club is not a top priority for most.

Carol has and still does do a lot for this club. a bit more decorum would go a long way to making the membership happy, at least the ones I've talked to. after all, we own the place :gee:

Chapter members are the rightful owners of the chapter money and the chapter BOD is responsible for providing the information publically to the owners of the money. Information like balances, expenditures and income are not unreasonable requests and are NEVER to be hidden behind closed doors.

good point, however.

she said "what you wanted"... that would at least have to be done in the back of a van....

I happen to know a guy in the club that may lend it to you.
LOL... It's fine that Avery called me on it, and that he's nagging me about it. He just misunderstood when somebody(ies?) called him a "mother", and figured he needed to keep me on my game...

but crap -- I just lost the Game. Dammit...

And yes, it's 5:30 and I'm still at work, 30mi from home in coastal traffic...
so does one need to be a member of the club to be a member of the chapter?
are black letters considered chapter "members", but not club "members"
Because they're trying to be gentlemen & rush to my defense =).

Makes me feel all warm & fuzzy inside... well, maybe not fuzzy...
If Carol is cool with being called out, why are people other then her crying about it? !!!1

Have a nice Day :)

Because this is the first i heard her say so, Thats why.I think he done it wrong.Thats how i feel and i don't give a fuc* what people think about that.But thats just me.:)
so does one need to be a member of the club to be a member of the chapter?
are black letters considered chapter "members", but not club "members"

Call me crazy but in order to be chapter member you have to be a club member. Now that doesn't mean that black letters can't join in on the fun, participate in events and runs as guests but I do believe that to be a full fledged chapter member you have to be a red letter (example: you can't vote for chapter BOD or even be on chapter BOD if you're a black letter)
Chapter members are the rightful owners of the chapter money and the chapter BOD is responsible for providing the information publically to the owners of the money. Information like balances, expenditures and income are not unreasonable requests and are NEVER to be hidden behind closed doors.

if its a chapter issue then its a member issue? then should it not be in the members forum or back channel?

so does one need to be a member of the club to be a member of the chapter?
are black letters considered chapter "members", but not club "members"
depends on what day of the week and who your asking and what side of an issue they stand on. also take into account the phase of the moon and the tide.......
if its a chapter issue then its a member issue? then should it not be in the members forum or back channel?

depends on what day of the week and who your asking and what side of an issue they stand on. also take into account the phase of the moon and the tide.......
I thought I was a bit whiney...... !!!1
The members forum is for general club business, not chapter business. So I agree that this issue would not really be appropriate in the members forum. However, I think its a stretch to say that putting it in a members only access area would be "behind closed doors". Hiding it in the mod/bod forum would be considered "behind closed doors " though.
However, the chapter forum is not restricted access, anyone who wishes can view what is said in here.
Perhaps another chapter subforum, that is only open to chapter members would be a good compromise here?
Members get nothing extra around here sean, WTF is wrong with you. Haven't you notice that the only thing the non paying members don't get to see is us making fun of them in the members only area.Kinda funny isn't it.
I do what I can... (including spending all the chapter funds on beer & men...)

And I'll be tackling creating something that looks coherent later today, hopefully. I have some of the stuff in QuickBooks, but it won't import well or print easily, and I can't attach it in a way that any non-QB users can read.

My computer is trying to die, it's running horrifically slow right now, but I plan to maybe export the QB info into an Excel file, as most can probably read that.

Part of the issue is that when I became Chapter Treasurer, there really wasn't any reporting going on that I was ever made aware of. Part of the delay is also me being unwilling to post a half-assed report, too. I think I do a good job, and I don't want to post the financials poorly.

I keep track of the money, write checks/swipe a Debit card for legitimate expenses, pay for shirt/sticker orders & co-manage the online Store. Trying to merge all the info to make it presentable is a little crazy-making--the Online Store reports are odd, a lot of our "money in" is cash handed to me at an event, etc.

I have a lot of other things going on right now (at work, with my family, taxes, with my friends, issues with my vehicles, Jeep & AAT outings, etc. etc.), as does everyone else. But it'll get done, and once I have a workable format, I can keep up on it easier.

Carol, if you need help with the report let me know, I have almost every version of quickbooks here and I can whip up a quick p&L of sorts to keep cracker happy.

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Wow, it took 53 posts to get one productive post out of all the whining going on here.
Thanks Sideways. :clap: :roflmao: :moon:
Damn it, he just ruined a perfectly good bitch fest
No need to stop over that, there are a LOT of bitches for the sake of bitching in this thread



Carol, if you need help with the report let me know, I have almost every version of quickbooks here and I can whip up a quick p&L of sorts to keep cracker happy.



Found the bittorrents late that night?
Carol, if you need help with the report let me know, I have almost every version of quickbooks here and I can whip up a quick p&L of sorts to keep cracker happy.


I want to know what the "magic briefcase" is :eyes: