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Wire fraud crossing state lines is a federal crime. Can get serious.
Lowrange2 - I've PM'd you several times with a bunch of his details. I can apply pressure if somebody wants to give me details. But, it would probably be best for the person who got ripped to do so. BTW - the thread over @ AR15.com is obviously mine. If you need boots on the ground, I have them.

Hey Abraham - Refund the money or the same thing is going to happen, again. YOU KNOW I know everything about you. 24 hours bud.

ETA: Forwarded same PMs to WTF_LOL & chvyn0va-71
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I love this forum...
RESOLUTION! Thanks NAXJA for being so helpful.

So I sent a couple PM's to Briellesxj explaining a request for a refund. I did not hear back yesterday, but I also noticed that his account here had been banned so I thought he may not be able to respond. I sent him an email today requesting a refund. He responded right away (within minutes) and explained he just got out of jail and could not log onto NAXJA so that is why he had not responded sooner. He said he had the injectors ready to ship and could give me a tracking number by the end of the day, or just refund me. I requested a refund and he paypaled me straight away.

I understand that there has been lots of drama in the past with other users and on other forums, but he was actually straight up with me and responded quickly.

Now, I do not know if he would have responded had others on here not helped out by "applying pressure" as somebody else stated earlier. Doing a little research you can see he does this same thing over and over on other forums so I feel it is probably less about turning a new leaf and more about the aforementioned "pressure".

Either way, got my refund so as far as I am concerned, the transaction between us is complete with no losses and actually no foul play other than a couple days of no response before others got involved. Thanks by the way to those that helped. Notamos, I owe you a beer.

Now, who has some injectors I can buy, lol.
I would say that is bullshit because that user account has posted on here several times in the last few days to the best of my knowledge. In fact it was last active at like 1something PM the day this thread started heating up (iirc, I don't have logs or a good enough memory to verify this) and posted several times on march 1st, 2nd, and 4th. That and the fact that we KNOW for a fact that amunoz/briellesxj are the same person using the same computer speak volumes for the kind of person we have here.

Gotta love it when people's lies are that transparent.
I can absolutely confirm that amunoz and briellesxj (along with other usernames on other forums) is all the same person.

I can also confirm that he has repeatedly ran this same scam and I think it is highly likely this isn't the last time we will hear about this guy. It seems it is not unusual for him to post for sale ads on all sorts of different forums until he gets caught then make another user name and do it again, fishing for that person that does not peruse it and lets him get away with it.

Just so happens the people on NAXJA and AR15.com don't take his antics and aren't afraid to physically go by his house or contact people in his life. Had it not been for the fine people that are willing to get involved I doubt I would have my money back.
Post up the other usernames! I'd like to check if any of them are on here and escaped detection.
So glad to hear this. Now, are we done with this guy or should I continue with my next steps? Does everyone on here have their $ back? What about the dude from Canada? Trust me, this guy is full of lies, always has a reason he can't get back with you.
The last thing I heard was that he received an email saying that he would "re-ship" the item because it had been returned to sender while Amunoz was jailed...
I have received a partial refund. Partial because funds for the transaction were sent via 2 paypal payments. As a result I had to file seperate claims, one for each payment. The first has already been refunded. The second has been decided in my favor by paypal. The refund itself is pending.

With respect to ramifications against the fraudster, I have absolutely no compunction about cooperating woth authorities in terms of providing any information that might help them build a case against this p.o.s.